Tuesday, August 08, 2006

US to censor the Internet.

I saw a post recently on another law being passed in the US.
The law (HR 5319) demands that all schools, libraries and other public internet access terminals to ban access to social networking websites. This means that people won’t be able to access their LiveJournal, MySpace, Friendster, LunarStorm, PhotoBucket, AOL and hundreds of other websites and forums.
basically, anywhere where you can express an opinion.

This blatent attempt to curtail freedom of speach is hiding behind a supposed laws to combat online predators but in actual fact is simply a way of the US goverment to censor online activities and freedom of speech.
There is an online petition at www.saveyourspace.org

A bbc article can be read here Social networking sites force US ban

So the bad news is, if you own or post or read a blog, which you obviously do, this law will affect you.

Express your opinion, do you want this to happen, sign the petition, post this article on your blog, forum or anywhere else you can.
Dont let them take away freedom of speech online.


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